I Have A Pill

The first time I met Zoe* was when she opened the Clarity Clinic’s door and quietly approached the front desk, looking at the floor. She said, “I need a pregnancy test.”

As one of our client advocates, I greeted her with a smile. “Of course, that’s what we’re here for.”

Zoe shrugged. “I have an abortion pill. I just want to know that I’m pregnant before I take it.”

I brought her to a quiet clinic room where she shared more details of her story. I said, “Based on your last menstrual period, we would really encourage you to have an ultrasound.”

Zoe shook her head. “I just need to know if I’m pregnant.”

“Actually, the ultrasound is incredibly important. It will show viability, that there’s really a baby there, and it’s not a phantom or ghost pregnancy that would end on its own. Ultrasounds also allow us to measure gestational age to determine how far along you are. And, most importantly, we want to ensure the baby is implanted in the uterus where it should be.”

She shrugged. “Why does any of that matter?”

I looked at her with compassion. “If implantation hasn’t taken place, you have an ectopic pregnancy, taking that pill could rupture your fallopian tube. This causes serious bleeding and could even be fatal to you, the mother.”

Her eyes widened. She mouthed the word mother. “Okay, let’s get an ultrasound.”

I introduced Zoe to our nurse, Mandy, who brought her to the ultrasound room, placed warm jelly on her belly, and gently moved the wand back and forth. A black-and-white image appeared on the screen. Then she saw it—a rhythmic flicker, her baby’s heartbeat.

Mandy pointed at the screen. “Your baby has a powerful heartbeat.”

Zoe’s mouth gaped. Tears revealed a mix of joy and fear. Mandy poured over every detail on the screen. Small, delicate, forming.

It’s real. Alive.

After they finished, Mandy brought me back into the room. She told me more about what was going on – the father, their struggles with money, and their housing situation. My heart went out to her. With the printed ultrasound pictures in hand, I walked Zoe through her options, helping her understand what the abortion pill does. We also discussed the choices of parenting and adoption. She was overwhelmed.

After she had time to digest it all, I said, “We have a parenting support program right here. We can find out what resources you need and get you connected with plenty of support.”

Zoe sat still for a long time.

I asked my new friend, “Would you consider coming back for a second ultrasound in a few weeks?”

“No, I’m good.”

She left without another word.

The next day, I called Zoe to see how she was doing and left an encouraging message asking if she needed any additional support. Before we closed for a holiday the following day, I called again and left another message.

Before we closed, Zoe finally called back, “Thank you for your calls. I didn’t go through with it. I didn’t take the pill.”

I silently thanked God, then said, “We’re here for you. Would you like to sign up for our parenting program?”

Zoe said, “I would really like that.”

When she came in for her next visit I gave her a clipboard and she started on the paperwork with shaking hands. I folded my hands on my lap. “I can tell you’re having a hard time. Would you like to talk?”


She answered the questions on the form and then arrived at the option for support for pregnancy loss. Zoe checked the box labeled grief support and handed me the clipboard.

I gave a warm smile. “Our grief support person had a cancellation and is free right now. Would you like to meet with her?”

She nodded.

I don’t know everything they talked about, but an hour and a half later, Zoe left our office looking like a different person on her way to healing. Today, Zoe is still involved in our parenting program.

Women come to Clarity Clinic in different categories:
Abortion Vulnerable clients are undecided about pregnancy, but they are in a position where they may be pressured by a family member or boyfriend to have an abortion.

Abortion Minded clients are considering ending their pregnancy, have thought through their options, and may already have an appointment scheduled for an abortion or have the pill in hand.

We meet the mothers where they are in their journey and gently educate and counsel them without pressure.

No money is exchanged between Clarity and clients. All of our services are free.

Funds are provided by generous local donors. A donation of $1200 saves a baby.

Holy Huddle

Halfway through a busy morning, I clicked my computer to check my schedule. My next client for an ultrasound appointment was listed as “abortion-minded.”

Heading down the hall, I noticed a group of women gathered outside our boutique. These dedicated volunteers come each week to organize baby clothes, clean, and make the space welcoming for our clients.

“Good morning.” They greeted me in unison.

“Yes, good morning to you too.” I quickly moved past them. But then something made me stop and turn back. “Hey, I’m on my way to do an ultrasound for an abortion-minded client. Please pray.”

They agreed, and I realized I’d left something in my office. After retrieving it, I passed by the women again. This time, they were huddled together like a football team right there in the hallway, murmuring prayers. I paused for a moment, listening to their soft, reverent voices. They were interceding for the mother I was about to meet, pleading that God would change her heart.

I smiled as I continued to the ultrasound room. After I introduced myself, I sat with the young woman, “How are you doing today?”

“I’m not in a good place.” She held her breath. “I need to have an abortion.”

I listened to her story and was filled with compassion for her pain and uncertainty. When she was ready, we began the ultrasound. As I moved the probe, the baby’s image appeared on the screen. I pointed out the little arms and legs, and the heartbeat pulsed strong and clear.

“At 26 weeks, your baby is very well-developed,” I said softly.

Her mouth dropped open. Silent tears streamed down her cheeks.

“I can’t,” she whispered.

After I finished the scan, I let her sit silently for a few moments and then asked, “How are you feeling?”

Then she looked at me in desperation. “There’s no way I can go through with an abortion.”

I printed off the black-and-white images of her beautiful baby. She cradled them in her hands. We talked a bit longer, and I listened to her many concerns. Then I said, “We have an adoption consultant in the office today. Would you like to speak with her?”

She nodded, hope replacing the fear in her eyes.

I’m so thankful for those four prayer warriors in the hallway. God answered their faithful intercession and saved a precious life that day.

At Clarity Clinic, we constantly lift our requests to our Father. This holiday season, join us in praying that God will meet every person who walks through our doors right where they are and help them take steps toward LIFE.

“Where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I among them.”

– Matthew 18:20

Boutique Buddies

I stacked a package of diapers on a shelf, then went to my computer to log in just as a parenting class wrapped up across the hall.

Sophia, a 24-year-old client, walked in carrying her infant son. Her two-year-old daughter ran toward the books. Gretchen followed with her two kids and a smile. “Hi, Kayla.”

I replied, “Good to see you ladies again.”

Sophia grabbed a package of wipes as her daughter plopped down on the floor with a book. She looked at Gretchen and said, “I don’t know what I would do without Clarity Clinic. This is where I get all my diapers.”

“Absolutely,” Gretchen set her son down next to Sophia’s daughter. “I’ve picked up all my daughter’s clothes and even her winter coat.”

“A few months ago, I asked if they had a rocker swing.” She pointed in my direction. “Kayla checked and said they didn’t have one that day, so they put me on the wish list. I went home and prayed for a great one to come in. They called me the next day. Somebody had just donated one. It was like brand new.”

Gretchen scanned the room. “My house wouldn’t be the same without this place. This is where I got my baby gate, stroller, and crib.”

Sophia laughed. “I got my bouncy seat, highchair, and even formula here.” Her daughter picked up another book and she browsed the selection of shoes.

Gretchen stacked her shirts, diapers, and wipes on my counter. “Kayla,” she grabbed both of my hands. “This place amazes me. Thank you.”

I fought back tears. “I’m happy to help.”

After she freed my hands, I added up the points for each item, placed them in a bag, and checked her account. “Your credits cover all of this. With today’s parenting class, you even have some leftover.”

“I’ll save it for next time.” She waited for Sophia to check out. As they exited our boutique, Gretchen said, “Are you coming to the play date at the park?”

“I wouldn’t miss it.”

(Names have been changed to protect privacy.)

Clarity Clinic not only provides free pregnancy tests and ultrasounds, but our parenting classes and mentors support our clients up to their child’s fifth year of LIFE. No money ever changes hands between Clarity and clients. Your support makes all the difference.