We are proud of the quality services we offer our clients at Clarity Clinic. We are reaching out to families in need and giving them hope. It can be scary for a family or a young single mom who is struggling with an unplanned pregnancy or other stressful life event. They may hesitate to reach out to us. In order to put people at ease, it is helpful to them to hear from others that have already gone through what they are going through. They want to hear it from someone “whose been there.” They want to hear from you.

Will you give us your testimonial? A testimonial is simply your honest endorsement, or story, of how coming to Clarity Clinic benefited you. You can provide your testimonial to us in a written

or video format. When you provide your testimonial, we can also use your given name or a fictitious name, whichever one makes you more comfortable. The bottom line is that the process is very simple.

There is a media release form that you will need to sign in order to participate, one is for adults and the other is for any children that might join you. The media consent forms can be viewed here on our website or they can be printed. 

If you are willing to provide us with a testimonial, simply reach out to Mary Ellen Warren at 563.556.5250 or email Mary Ellen at me.warren@clarityclinic.com.

Clarity Clinic Mom shares grateful heart for services provided her and her 2 children.